Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Portraits, taken by Thomas Wilder

I think these photos are really interesting. I immediately recognized myself as the subject. I think a little of my personality shows through in these photos. In the first one especially, I look serene and peaceful. The second is more sad and wistful  Both of those things are qualities I strive for on a daily basis. If I hadn't known, I would have guessed that the photographer was male. There is something very straightforward about the photos that strikes me as being male. 
I think I definitely fit into a female "genre" in these photos, with me clothes, and my hair down. I think society tends to associate softness and peace with women, and these photos convey that. 
I also thought the comparison to Bernini's Ecstasy of St. Teresa was interesting:

Where do I fall in society? I'm still not sure of the answer to this question. I think at this point in my life, though I'm still just a college student, I am capable of being a good person relationally; a good friend, a good sister, a good daughter. These photos aren't really how I view myself. I think these photos show the side of myself that I put on when I'm talking to or relating to people I don;t know well. So, in that sense, I don't think either of these photos show my true self in the sense that they don't show all of me.

1 comment:

  1. The St. Teresa picture is a lot more swooning and erotic, more ambiguous in its meaning. Don't you think?
